Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Twitter / Recent images by @taylorswift13

Twitter / Recent images by @taylorswift13:

'via Blog this'
First of all aren't these shoes very FESTIVE? Second of all they are Taylor Swift's shoes. Third of all its her birthday today!
Happy Birthday Taylor!

Friday, December 2, 2011

What I Wore Today.....

Pink polka dotted tank: "Hand Me Down"
Grey leggings: "Hand me down"
Knitted beige cardigan: "Hand Me Down"
Brownish grey knitted legwarmers: Ardene
Pearl earrings: Claire's
This outfit is a great comfy around the house outfit, but also great for running errands, or just going into town!

P.S. I get all my "hand me downs" from my aunties, I'm so blessed to wear their clothes. Thank you!
Tell me watcha think!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Great Scarf Tying Techniques!

My grandma found this video on YouTube of some awesome scarf tying techniques, watch till the end!

25 ways to wear a scarf in 4.5 minutes

P.S There are also tutorials for each one if you click on the picture. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

A "Taylored" Look

Any of you guys ever heard of TAYLOR SWIFT? Well..I am a huge fan of hers..she is so inspiring, amazing, and has such a sweet and caring personality! I went to her Speak Now concert in September a little a while ago...and it was AMAZING! Each song was like it was a music video...she changed outfits every couple songs and everything! So lately I've been doing some research on her and I read book about how she became famous and how she got to be where she is today, I got this from the library so I didn't have to pay for it which was nice. For me Taylor is my role model for everything I especially love her sense of style its very girly which I LOVE! She is also the only celebrity I've heard of that actually CONNECTS with her fans personally...for example after every concert a certain amount of fans get picked to go meet her after the show which she calls the T party room. Anyways, I was at Bath and Body works a couple weeks ago and saw this lotion it was only $1...and immediately I thought Taylor Swift...so I just had to get it! What I'm really trying to say is I think if you need a role model or someone so just be inspired by to start something or just because..Taylor is the person!

 This is the book and some pictures that are in it!

She loves long dresses and after seeing her in concert..I have developed a liking for them too!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Contest Results

This months contest..was a little small...we had one family that entered...and they WON! Congratulations! :)
Here are their entries..
 Strong guys to represent good health ( notice the apple necklace)

 And the green girls they represent the going green Eco theme! 
 Both the pepper and the apple make a beautiful stylish necklace and a snack for two!
Thank you so much Watters family for entering! Your prize will be ready for you when you visit us at Christmas!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Natural Nail Month!

I got thinking to myself and was like I want to do something special for November. I did announce a contest on the 4th but it hasn't really worked out quite yet so I'll keep you posted on that. Anyways, I was looking at my toes and thinking to myself oh I should paint them you know just to brighten them up a little. But then I was like I guess I haven't actually let them BREATHE for a little while so I decided to, at least keep my toes nail polish free for the rest of the month....I'll keep ya posted on the fingers haven't quite decided what I'm going to do with them yet. So for the rest of the month I challenge you to not wear any nail polish. Let you nails breathe a little!:)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy November!

So if you all got my previous newsletter I mentioned a little CONTEST coming up....I now have all the details worked out, so here they are....I want you to wear your favourite colour in the most creative way (make sure it’s one main colour so I can see what I'm dealing with here thanks!)  You can think of silly, formal, casual etc. Then send your pics into me and I'll look at them. Before you send them in please give me a description of your outfit so when I post them people will know what kind of look you’re going for. Also, please let me know if you don't want your picture posted. You have from Saturday November the 5th till Saturday November the 12th to email them to me. I will announce the people who have entered who has the best silly outfit, formal outfit or fancy, and the best casual if I get enough of each of those categories. I don't really have an idea for a PRIZE yet but if you guys have any ideas, be sure to let me know! Thanks I look forward to seeing you pictures!:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A little photoshoot....

Inspired by a photo shoot my cousin Mikayla did on her blog. So me and Ethan had a cowgirl cow boy themed shoot. He didn't last very long but I still got a couple cute pics with him in it....
Hands up!
I surrender!
 Jenaya that's embarrassing...

 I couldn't get this pic to rotate...but hey i took it while i was running that counts for something right?

 Getting a little DIZZY...
 now i think its time to stop
 1,2,3, JUMP!
Yes! I got it quickly come and see it before the battery dies!
 My favourite part of the outfit..if I was gonna enter my favourite outfit into the previous contest i would choose this one!

So if your kind of board or feel super creative one day then use that creativity to organize a photo shoot! It could be with friends, or just you, or it doesn't even have involve taking pics of yourself you could take pics of God's wonderful creation!
I would also really LOVE to see the pics if you guys decide to do one!
thanks for reading this and giving me all the support to write this blog!

Here are my costume pics....

 As you all know i promised you some pics of my costume that i was wearing to my cousins party here it is!

My gold mask which i added a green stick to and bejeweled it!

My three dollar dress that fits me like a corset but its worth it!
check out more pics on my auntie's blog Banman Land

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here is an update on my closet....

 NEW! I got some shoes from Urban Planet...2 for $15 
They are the cheaper version of Toms.

Friday, October 14, 2011

You can tell your really excited when....

You see a dress and don't check the size....
So here's the story....
I was a the Bargin Bin (local thrift shop in Armstrong) just browsing and I see this really old fashioned looking burgundy dress....at that time i had just heard news that my cousin was having a masquerade party so i ran to the change room to try it on. I got it on with my cousins help luckily but it felt like i was wearing a corset. But I thought hey its just for one day so I'll try it. So I'll keep you up to date on how the it goes. Pics are soon to come of the dress!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our Contestants

 Shelley Banman 
 Caleb Brown
 Carmen Shaw
 Mikayla Banman
 Val Lalonde
 Carly Hood
 Jamin Leveck
 Terri Leveck
and Linda Banman

Thank you all for entering it was alot of fun doing this and seeing everyone's favorite outfits!
Oh wait and I almost forgot to mention....
Congratulations to....
Linda Banman! 
You have won the contest and the owl!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Get the Beautifully Budgeted Newsletter!

Hey everyone!
So I have decided to make a weekly newsletter for beautifully budgeted! It's really just an email i send you with the tip of the week and some other exclusives, contest and more! Now I just sent my second newsletter off to the people who have emailed me they want it, so if i don't send it to you at the beginning of the week forgive me! So if you would like to get it...please just email me a not saying I would like to to get the beautifully budgeted newsletter! I'll be sure to add you to my contacts list. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mary Kay!

 Hey guys! So today a lady from Mary Kay came to our house to give us a free makeover because we got a coupon from the welcome wagon when we first moved here!
It was really cool! first time ever putting my own make up on! We also learned a little bit about Mary Kay! you should look her up and check it out!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Awesome Finds at Joe!

 Shoes I've been looking for, for like ever! Only 6.94
 some really cute skinny jeans! Love the colour!
 I already have this bathing suit set but my bottoms got wrecked so I got these for 2.94!
And last but not least...I couldn't resist the nail polish! Such great colours!

Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day of School

The first day of school is tomorrow!!
I don't know about you but I'm really excited for a new season and school year.
A great back to school outfit is.....a long plaid shirt, leggings, boots, and maybe some hoops!
I hope that everyone is excited as I am for school to start!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tip of the day

If you would like for me to email you the tip of the day...
email me a note saying that you would love too! And I''l keep up as best I can!
Email your emails to jenayastang@gmail.com
And don't forget to check out my post about a way to get rid of your old clothes, also please send me a pic of you in your favourite outfit....any age can do it and you win a prize be sure to check that post out too! :)

Need A Fun Way To Get Rid Of Your OLD Clothes??

Try planning a clothing swap with your friends....
This is how it works.....
You invite people and tell them to bring clothes they don't want anymore then you put them all on a table and take whatever you like, that way you give away some stuff but your still coming home with something new ( well new to you!) . Then you donate the clothes that no one took to a thrift store!
Its really fun you should try it! And you don't have to bring just clothes you could bring accessories too! Or even anything you want!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer's moving on....

Its beginning to get a little cooler now....which means its almost time to go back to school...which is  my favourite part of the year.....it means back to school shopping which I love.....i already went back to school shopping in my aunty's giving away pile.....and I feel really blessed to be able to wear her cute clothes....so I"m having a contest...which is to send me a pic of yourself in your favourite back to school outfit and if you win which i will chose by drawing names...you'll get an  owl from cutesies collection! The owl is red with white polka dots and red blue and yellow flowered wings it reminds of going on picnics in the summer so i thought it would be a nice thing to have like a memory of summer.
Send your pics to jenayastang@gmail.com and i'll post them on my blog!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Send Me your Pics

hey guys..I love wearing my favourite outfit..that's probably why its my favourite....so I'd love for you to send me a picture of you in your favourite outfit..and I'll post them on my blog...feel free to send a few pictures maybe if you have a few different favourite outfits :)
Send your picks to jenayastang@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cocnut Oil Treatment

So last night I asked mom to do a coconut oil treatment in my hair so it will be all shiny and soft....so all you do is you have to have dry hair...rub the coconut oil in it then wash it out 5-10 minutes later. But please make sure you wash it out because when I woke up this morning it was all greasy because I didn't wash it all out!
But if you do wash it out your hair will be really shiny and soft! :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

tips for a happy/ organized closet

I like to organize my closet, so when your looking for a certain top you can find it right away. I have a wardrobe so its not as big as a normal closet....so i organized it in the most efficient way possible..on the top shelf I have three nicely FOLDED piles of clothes the one on the left is tops/some dresses that don't need to be hung...the middle pile is just t-shirts and spring tops ..and the last pile is winter/fall because I won't be needing those for a while hopefully :). then below the shelf I have all my clothes that need to be hung. And on the bottom I have my pj's and pants so jeans, and shorts. I also just got a new shelf right beside my wardrobe which has three fabric boxes in there i have my leggings and belts in one, and my hair accessories in the other, and in the last one I have my my socks and stuff. It defiantly gives you more space for clothes if you have a wardrobe and need just a little bit ore space.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring is coming...

Spring is coming... Mailee ( my photographer/cousin)
and I wanted to go on a photo shoot for her photography practice and picture for my blog...here are some of the pics

Me in a spring is "almost" here outfit..it's great because you still have jeans to keep your legs warm and I have tank top in case the sun decides to peek out and get hot!

My favourite flats out of the two pairs I have
I love the look of this picture.. good job Mailee! 
And my photographer couldn't have done it without you Mailee!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A cool thing to do....

hey guys
have you ever wanted to remember that outfit that you love?? Well I made this thing up so I can remember them......all I do is get a notebook and right down everyday what my outfit is so like shirt, pants, accessories, hair, and shoes.....It also works great if you don't know what to wear some days!
I hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thrift Stores Are Great!

So  last week I went to Value Village on a shopping date with my cousin and dad...I had 25 dollars to spend and I spent 22 dollars....this is what i got...a strapless grey really comfy lose shirt from garage ( the store) a volcom plaid tank top, a navy striped tank top, and a wallet all for 22 dollars....the grey top from garage brand alone would have been 20 dollars at the store and who knows how much the volcom shirt would have been!
So the point is that you could probably find anything in a thrift store for cheaper than it would be in the real store, if you look hard!